
Minister Koca gab die Auslastung der Intensivstationen bekannt!


Statements by Health Minister Fahrettin Koca

The Health Minister Fahrettin Koca stated that the pressure on intensive care capacities is over. He announced that the occupancy rate of intensive care units in Turkey is currently at 71%, with Istanbul also standing at 71%. Minister Koca emphasized that the occupancy of hospital intensive care units has returned to normal and thanked healthcare professionals for their sacrifices.

New Staffing

Minister Koca shared the President’s good news about the appointment of 35,000 new employees in the Ministry of Health. He explained that these new appointments would make a significant contribution to sustaining existing health services and meeting the personnel needs of new hospitals. Minister Koca announced that the appointment process has begun, stating that the hiring would be done without interviews and candidates would be evaluated under the same conditions. He mentioned that a total of 35,000 new colleagues, including nurses and support staff, will be recruited.

Minister Koca noted that the Antalya City Hospital will soon be fully operational and announced that the official opening of the hospital will be conducted by the President in the next two to three weeks.

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