Der Drehbuchautor und Produzent Birol Güven wurde zur Generaldirektion Kino des Ministeriums für Kultur und Tourismus ernannt.

Birol Güven has been appointed as the General Manager of the cinema, according to a decree signed by President Erdoğan. Güven, a screenwriter and producer of the TV series Çocuk Duymasın for many years, has been appointed as the General Director of Cinema at the Ministry of Culture and Tourism. Tamer Karadağlı, known for his role in the TV series Çocuk Duymasın, has been appointed as the General Director of State Theaters. Following this appointment, many employees of the State Theaters submitted their resignation requests. Tan Sağtürk, a ballet dancer, has been appointed as the General Director of the State Opera and Ballet at the Ministry of Culture and Tourism. These appointments have brought about significant changes in the world of cinema and theater.