
Das verschollen geglaubte Gemälde von Gustav Klimt wird versteigert


T24 Culture-Art

An Austrian painter Gustav Klimt A painting by him, believed to be lost for 100 years, is being auctioned in Vienna.

It all began in 1917, a year before Klimt’s death. „Portrait of Miss Lieser“ There are many unanswered questions about the mentioned unfinished painting. There are also debates about who the lady in the painting is and what happened to the painting during the Nazi era.

It is estimated that the price of the painting could reach up to 50 million euros, but it could also find a buyer for a higher price.

Art historian Thomas Natter And Alfred Weidinger,He says that the painting belongs to Adolf Lieser’s daughter Margarethe Constance Lieser.

The Viennese auction house im Kinsky, which is auctioning the artwork, however, suspects that the painting may also depict one of the two daughters of Justus Lieser and his wife Henriette.





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