
Eine Premiere in der Geschichte: B-Boys und B-Girls kämpfen bei den Olympischen Spielen um Medaillen


Breakdance, which began in the 1970s as a creative expression of street artists, has evolved into a favorite of young people and even adults all over the world. Who could have predicted that these energetic, sometimes acrobatic dance moves would one day become a challenge for Olympic medals?

Born on the streets of the Bronx, New York, breakdance was accepted as an official sport at the 2024 Olympic Games in Paris.

Many events in Olympic history from the past to the present are presented with the „Olympiad in 60 Seconds“. In the new section of the book, there is a „brief history of breakdance.“

You can watch the new episode of „Olympiad in 60 Seconds“ and more episodes below.

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