3 Punkte aus dem Schlamm, Der Löwe brüllte, Köhn, Mert Hakan, Icardis Rückkehr | DIENSTAG SONNTAG

T24 Sports – Analysis of Galatasaray and Fenerbahçe Matches
Umut Ozan Darıcı, Kaan Kurtuluş, and İlhan Çelik; they delved into Galatasaray’s victory against MKE Ankaragücü in detail. They particularly focused on the performance of new transfer Köhn and Icardi’s dissatisfaction. They also evaluated Fenerbahçe’s three-point win against Rizespor.
The analysis also covered the changes in İsmail Kartal’s team and the performances of Serdar Dursun and Mert Hakan. The tactical aspects of the games and the players‘ contributions to the team were thoroughly examined.