
Reaktion von Erdan Kılıç von CHP auf die Morde an Frauen: Männer sagen: „Ich habe dich so sehr geliebt, ich war so verliebt“, lass deine Liebe untergehen.


Rephrase the text while keeping the original language:

CHP Izmir Deputy Sevda Erdan Kılıç When he spoke at the General Assembly of the Grand National Assembly of Turkey, he addressed the violent measures against women. In response to the murder of eight women in just 24 hours, Kılıç said, „We know why women are being killed in this country. Because she doesn’t want to marry, because she doesn’t want to be together, because she wants a divorce… Men say, ‚I loved so much, I was so in love.‘ ‚Gentlemen, may your love fall to the ground, may your longing fall to the ground, may your jealousy fall to the ground, may your love fall to the ground,‘ he said.

CHP member Erdan Kılıç spoke on behalf of his party about the investigation of violence against women in parliament. Kılıç said:

„Psychological violence against women was committed in the Committee against Violence against Women“

„There should have been a committee to combat violence against women, but in the 27th legislative term, a committee to investigate violence against women was established. They worked a little, but the board became so bad that female government members exerted psychological violence against female opposition members. Our deputies withdrew from the committee due to interruptions, restrictions on speaking time, and disregard of objections to inviting people who do not believe in gender equality. If the board is reconstituted, a similar situation should not occur.

„8 women were killed within 24 hours“

Yesterday was a terrible day for femicides in this country. In just 24 hours, 8 women were murdered in this country. That is of course exactly what we know. Istanbul, Sakarya, Izmir, Bursa, Adıyaman, Denizli, Erzurum…

„May all your jealousy fall to the ground, may all your love fall to the ground.“

We know why women are being killed in this country.

Because she doesn’t want to marry, because she doesn’t want to be together, because she wants a divorce, because she wants to work, because she doesn’t cook, because she goes somewhere without notice, because she puts too much salt in the food, because she talks on the phone, because she wears too much makeup…

What did the men say?

I loved it so much, I was so jealous of it, I missed it so much, I admired it so much, I was so in love with it. Gentlemen, may your love fall to the ground, may your longing fall to the ground, may your jealousy fall to the ground, may your love fall to the ground.

„The government’s misogyny has never come to an end“

We lack the words to explain this from this platform, in the general assemblies, and on the streets with various movements, but the government’s misogyny has never come to an end. They demonstrated this by attacking protesting women with batons and pepper spray to prevent the deaths of women. They demonstrated this by pulling and holding women by the hair. You are like cats spilling milk to gang members and mafias, losing your humanity to prevent women from acting when it comes to acting.

You are right too! They are more afraid of women than of gangs and mafias. Because women do not give up. Because if that’s the case, women will change the world.

„We will continue to work towards re-signing the Istanbul Convention“

That’s why we always say that femicides are political. If you do not implement gender equality policies in the fields of education, media, politics, street, work life, and housing, women will continue to be killed.

Therefore, we will continue to work with all our might to re-sign the Istanbul Convention, to remove and implement articles for the defense of gender equality, and to make penalties deterrent.

But gentlemen, those who are killed and subjected to violence are your daughters, sisters, mothers, relatives, friends… Just take your head out of the sand. Put your hand on your conscience, let us fight together for equality.“


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