Er legte Einspruch gegen die Studiengebühr für seinen Sohn ein, der eine Privatschule besucht, und gewann den Prozess.

Ayşen Yalman, who lives in Antalya, was right in her complaint to the Consumer Arbitration Board when she opposed the tuition fee for her son attending a private school. The school management appealed the decision and lost the case. Yalman stated that the school would pay him the difference, saying, „I believe this case is important in terms of parents‘ stance against the school administration’s recklessness.“ Yalman, a communication lecturer at the Faculty of Communication at Akdeniz University (AÜ) and a specialist in health communication, intended to renew his son’s registration in September 2022, who attends a private school in the Konyaaltı district. The school administration demanded a book fee of 11,850 TL from Yalman to complete the registration process. Yalman objected to the amount requested, mentioning that the same books were sold in schools of the same university in other provinces for 8,450 TL, with only a 500 TL difference in the market prices of the books. The school management allegedly informed Yalman that the fee was mandatory; otherwise, they would not open the online system for the student or provide any other main books. Following this response, Yalman paid 11,850 TL to the school. Yalman, who brought the matter to the Consumer Arbitration Board of the Konyaaltı district, was found in the right, and it was decided that the school would refund the difference of 3,400 TL. The private school management appealed the decision and took the matter to the 4th Consumer Court in Antalya. The court ruled in favor of Yalman, deciding that the private school should pay the difference.
„The school covers the price difference“
Ayşen Yalman, who stated that her son studied at a private school with a branch in Turkey, said, „The prices in Turkey did not apply in Antalya. They tried to sell it to us with a slight price difference, but I objected.“ When I asked for the reason, they said additional resources would be invested. Upon researching, I found that I could buy the books for almost ten times the stated price. I then said that I wanted to buy the books myself. The school did not allow it. They said if I bought the books from outside, they would close the online system and not even provide the main sources. Nevertheless, I had to make the payment and buy the books. „I did that. The court recognized that we were right and decided that the price difference was an unfair advantage. Now the school will refund me this price difference,“ he said.
„Despite everything, I wanted to stand against this lawlessness“
Yalman explained that his son attends a private school and said, „Many parents told me that my child could be exposed to bullying or pressure and could have problems. I offered to file a lawsuit together, but they did not accept because parents think. “ that their children might be afraid of being excluded in this case.“ „Or they don’t care and don’t want to deal with it. Despite everything, I wanted to stand against this lawlessness,“ he said.
„Let them claim their rights“
Yalman emphasized that the decision was an example and said that everyone should claim their rights in the face of injustice. Yalman said, „I wanted to convey the message of how my child should address such injustice. Because the amount I will receive back is, honestly, not very high. I think this case is important in terms of parents‘ stance against the recklessness of school administrations. All parents can face such impositions without fear or intimidation.“ „Let them claim their legal rights,“ he said.
„Apply to the Consumer Arbitration Board“
Yalman’s lawyer, Mustafa Alper Oral, said: „According to the signed contract, the private school must determine the book fee and other ancillary fees by May. In May, the book fee is stated as 8,450 Lira for my client and other parents. In September, this price is stated as 11,850 Lira. My client accepts the price in between.“ „We advise our clients to contact our colleagues who are experts in their field and, depending on the amount, to either resort to consumer mediation or the Consumer Arbitration Board.“ T24