Untersuchungsbericht: Şevki Yılmaz erhielt Berichte, wonach er nicht zu den Atatürk-Gedenkfeiern gehen sollte

Şevki Yılmaz‘ refusal to participate in national holidays, for which he was reported, was highlighted. Following the controversial statements made by the mayor of Rize, Şevki Yılmaz, at a recent wedding he attended, details emerged from the inspectors‘ reports. It was noted that Yılmaz was frequently reported for not showing up on national holidays. The inspectors initiated an investigation based on Yılmaz’s remarks against Atatürk. Details were included in the inspector’s report. According to the report, Yılmaz, although healthy, obtained a medical report without visiting a doctor and chose this method to avoid attending ceremonies on national holidays. Furthermore, it was found that Yılmaz was in different cities on the days he received the report. The inspectors uncovered this situation by examining medical reports. It was revealed that Şevki Yılmaz not only insulted Atatürk but also did not comply with the law. It was also found that he unlawfully imposed fines on citizens who did not comply with his orders. The report also noted contradictory information regarding Yılmaz’s educational background.