
Tanyeli sprach über ihren Gesundheitszustand und antwortete auf die Behauptung, dass „1,5 Millionen Lira bei der Wohltätigkeitsnacht gesammelt wurden“.


Tanyeli’s morale night and her reaction
Tanyeli, who is battling pancreatic cancer, made a statement regarding the amount of donations collected at the morale night organized by her artist friends. In response to Fatih Ürek’s statement, Tanyeli said, „If that were the case, I would say oh,“ and explained that the alleged 1.5 million lira was not raised.

Tanyeli’s dismissal story
Tanyeli stated that she was fired from her job and her insurance was terminated when she was diagnosed with cancer at the academy where she had worked as a dance instructor before her illness. He explained the difficulties he faced during this process and mentioned that he remained unemployed while waiting for support.

Tanyeli’s health condition and treatment process
Tanyeli explained that there is no chance to get rid of pancreatic cancer through surgery, saying that the disease has not spread and that he is researching treatment methods. He emphasized his daily intake of serum and actively continuing his life.

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