
Taksim-Handwerker bewerteten die Schließung am 1. Mai: Wir wünschten, es gäbe keine Schließung, aber der Staat muss Vorkehrungen treffen


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Öztürk: I wish the square would be opened; We respect the decision of our state

Emre Öztürk, who has been working in a kebab restaurant at Taksim Square for 16 years, said: „Happy Labor Day. We wish the square to be opened and festivities to take place, but if our state makes such a decision, we respect it. We are back to work. There is no employee leave for us; we work. I walked here from Yenikapı today. In fact, all kinds of incidents happen at Taksim Square, there are closures at Taksim Square. „If that happens, our business declines, but we can’t do anything. If this is the decision, we respect it,“ he said.

Çakmak: Business has declined, but there are tourists again, no problem

Fahrettin Çakmak, a merchant at Taksim Square for 25 years, said: „We have to work because we are in the food industry. Even if it’s a holiday, these people will still eat something.“ Business has declined, but tourists are back, no reason to worry. We wish everyone a happy Labor Day. We wish that there would be no such closure and everyone could celebrate the holiday freely like brothers, but there are some persecutions. „The state also needs to take precautions,“ he said.

Note: The square is closed, but open to tourists

Alaattin Yılgın, who has been working as a craftsman for 20 years, said: „This is our job, we have to work. Without work, one cannot earn a living. We returned to work on May 1st and are working. There’s nothing to be done. „The square is closed, but open to tourists,“ he said.


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