Mord an Sinan Ateş | Ehemaliger Leiter der Mordkommission: Als wir feststellten, dass Tolgahan Demirbaş in den Vorfall verwickelt war und den Schützen entführte …

Sinan Ates, who lost his life in an armed attack, was the former President of Ülkü Ocakları. In the indictment prepared 17 months after the murder, the former head of the Ankara Police Homicide Division was arrested. MEA, former head of the Ülkü Ocakları headquarters, Tolgahan Demirbas, the shooter Eray Özyağcı, his statements about the kidnapping were included. T24 reporter Asuman Aranca had access to the expert report in the document on the murder of Sinan Ateş. This report found indications that Tolgahan Demirbaş had kidnapped the hired killer Eray Özyağcı, based on information retrieved from his sanitized mobile phone through a special program. In today’s article, the author’s spokesperson, İsmail Saymaz, included MEA’s words that Demirbaş had kidnapped the hired killer Eray Özyağcı in the indictment prepared 17 months after the murder. According to MEA, Demirbaş kidnapped the hired killer Eray Özyağcı and said: „He said he had solved the problem and there was no need for help.“ MEA and Demirbaş had five phone calls on December 29, 2023, the day before the assassination. MEA explained this meeting in his statement as follows: „It is true that I had an interview the day before. I can’t remember how many times we met. Our meetings were via FaceTime. Demirbaş called. He asked me if I could refer him to someone at the traffic department regarding a vehicle license plate application. I told him I didn’t know him, couldn’t help him, but would still do some research. On the same day, Demirbaş called again and said he had solved the problem and there was no need for help.“ He wanted to check his mouth. MEA met with Demirbaş for a minute and seven seconds at 2:00 PM, half an hour after the assassination. MEA was the caller. MEA defended himself as follows, claiming he called to check his mouth: „Without mentioning any names, I asked him if he had information about an armed incident in Çukurambar. I asked with the intention that he knew the victim. He asked me, ‚Who’s there, brother, what happened?‘ „As he spoke like that, I concluded that he knew nothing about the incident and ended the call.“ To read the full article. T24 MURDER FILE SINAN ATEŞ CLICK – T24 has obtained the report in the murder document of Sinan Ateş: The President of Ülkü Ocakları asked for Ateş’s address! CLICK-Expert report: Here is the step-by-step timeline that led to the murder of Sinan Ateş CLICK – „Crises“ do not end with the document of Sinan Ateş: The prosecutor was on leave for 2 months, the document changed hands again CLICK – The photo showing the assassination gang the murder of Sinan Ateş was revealed: „Mission accomplished“ pose by the courier carrying the shooter! T24