Kommentar von Tuğrul Türkeş zu den gegenseitigen Aussagen von Kutalmış Türkeş und MHP-Mitgliedern: Meine Augen schmerzten, als ich es las

Adana Ideal Hearths‘ good party mayoral candidate for the Adana Metropolitan Municipality, Ayyüce Türkeş, expressed discomfort upon reading a banner accusing betrayal by Kutalmış Türkeş and criticism of the language used by MHP members by Tuğrul Türkeş, an AKP Ankara deputy. Speaking to T24, Tuğrul Türkeş, son of Alparslan Türkeş and AKP Ankara deputy, made a statement regarding the harsh remarks following a tweet by Kutalmış Türkeş reacting to MHP’s accusation of „betrayal“ against his brother Ayyüce Türkeş.
Tuğrul Türkeş stated: „It is a sad incident, the language used by all is bad. No one should use such language, not only in politics but also in daily life. This language suits no one. My eyes hurt reading it. In Adana, mayoral elections are taking place, no one says ‚my yogurt is sour.‘ Everyone has made their own poster. This leads both authorized and unauthorized individuals to comment on social media. That is the crux of the matter… As these are displayed side by side, some people without official political titles comment on each other on social media. This is the mere verb. There is no discussion about ideology here. Neither the name Türkeş, nor Turkish politics, nor the candidacy for mayor of the metropolis are suitable for a discussion on two pieces of fabric. These are important issues.“
Türkeş clarified that he has not met either Aybüke Türkeş or Kutalmış Türkeş, stating: „We do not have the same mother.“
The debate started when Ayyüce Türkeş, daughter of MHP founder Alparslan Türkeş, became a candidate for the Adana Metropolitan Municipality from the Uygun Party and was labeled a „traitor“ by MHP. This led to an offensive, insulting, and threatening uproar.
Ayyüce Türkeş’s brother, Kutalmış Türkeş, in his post on his social media account, used the following expressions regarding MHP Deputy Chairman and MHP Istanbul deputy Edip Semih Yalçın and MHP Istanbul deputy Izzet Ulvi Yonter: „Those who claim to be the children of Alparslan Türkeş, and insult his own children who bear the name and blood of Türkeş, especially those who have never seen Türkeş in their lives! It is impossible for you to be Türkeş’s children because Türkeş never had children with him! You continue to search for your fathers, do not look far, but at the men who use you, for example the fast pig Semihe, for example the androgynous Izzetsiz Ulviye, Sinan’s murderer!“
In response to this post, MHP Deputy Chairman İzzet Ulvi Yönter wrote the following on his social media account: „Schizophrenic, immoral; the harsh curses you made based on false claims, and the direct slanders you made, will of course stick to your shameless face! You are a subhuman, I advise you to stop everything you use if you don’t trust him, you can look into his disgusting face… You will be legally accountable for these insults and blasphemy…“
The General Manager of MHP Youth Branches, Ahmet Yiğit Yıldırım, responded to Kutalmış Türkeş as follows: „You are despicable enough to curse our idealists who love our leader with all their hearts, even if they have not seen him, and strive to keep his cause and ideals alive! You have spent your life abusing the trust of our president and causing you bone pain. You have betrayed the sacred cause and hearth of millions of plaintiffs by hiding behind the surname of our chief! You are no different than a rabid dog! Know your place and drool beyond our party and hearth. Be careful; Everyone knows the end of rabid dogs…! Take heed…“