
Innenminister Yerlikaya gab bekannt, dass bei der Operation „Cage-41“ 61 Verdächtige gefasst wurden


Operation Cage-41 and Arrest of Suspects

The Minister of Interior, Ali Yerlikaya, announced on his social media account that within the scope of the „Cage-41“ operation, which took place simultaneously in nine provinces, 61 suspects were detained. The operation was based in Istanbul and Izmir and targeted organized criminal organizations.

In his post about the operation, Yerlikaya explained that there was a coordinated action against the organized crime organization in Izmir, led by Beratcan GÖKDEMİR (fugitive from abroad) who was wanted with a red notice, and the organized crime organization in Istanbul, led by Ferhat DELEN (fugitive from abroad) who was on a national wanted list. He stated that an operation was carried out.

It was reported that during the operation, 61 suspects who were members of the organization were captured, emphasizing a firm stance against criminal organizations that disrupt public peace.

Details of the Operation and Evidence Obtained

As a result of the operations conducted under the coordination of the Directorate for Combating Smuggling and Organized Crime of the General Directorate of Security, it was found that the suspects had committed numerous crimes. These crimes include acts such as murder, attempted murder, intentional injury, armed conflict, deprivation of liberty, threat, armed assault, intimidation, extortion, shooting, and looting.

It was stated that a total of 37 unlicensed pistols, 5 hunting rifles, numerous bullets, and 3 steel vests were confiscated during the operations. While the police teams involved in the operations were congratulated, emphasis was placed on the success of the operations with the support and prayers of the nation.

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