
Harte Reaktion von Özgür Özel auf die Verhaftung von Mesut Kocagöz: Diese Entscheidung ist politisch; Sie können uns nicht zum Sündenbock machen, nur weil wir Mitglieder unserer Partei sind.


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T24-News Center

Kepez Mayor elected from CHP Mesut KocagözDuring the investigations into the cable car accident in Antalya, the CHP Chairman made a statement regarding the arrest of Özgür Özel,  „Although it is evident that no investigations were conducted against officials in any of the districts from Soma to İliç, this decision is not legal but political. Undoubtedly, nobody’s tears should be considered, regardless of who was involved in the accident.“ This is our red line. Özel, the Chairman of the CHP group, will closely monitor the developments. Ali Mahir Basari He sent a delegation led by R. to Antalya. It was revealed that a statement is to be made in front of the courthouse in Antalya on Monday.

As part of the investigation into the cable car accident in Antalya, ANET A.Ş., the operator of the Tünektepe Cable Car facility where the accident occurred, participated. former General Manager and elected Mayor of Kepez from CHP in the last elections Mesut Kocagözand current Deputy General Manager of ANET Ahmet Buğra Samsunlu, Mechanical Engineer Okan Erol, Owner of a Megatower maintenance company Serdar Tezcan, Maintenance and Automation Manager of the maintenance company Serkan Yellice were arrested on charges of „negligent causing of deaths and injuries.“ While judicial control orders were issued for eight of the suspects, one person was released. Kocagöz was taken to the L-Type prison in Antalya.

CLICK – Kepez Mayor Mesut Kocagöz arrested for the cable car disaster: It was portrayed as if I was the sole responsible, the expert report is incorrect

CHP Chairman Özgür Özel also made a statement after the arrest of Kocagöz. Özel stated that the decision was not legal but political and added: „Undoubtedly, nobody’s tears should be considered, regardless of who was involved in the accident. This is our red line.“ Özel also said that Kocagöz cannot be made a scapegoat and added the following in his statement:

„We closely follow the arrest decision and the court proceedings against our Kepez Mayor Mesut Kocagöz as part of the investigation into the cable car accident in Antalya. However, it is evident that no investigations were conducted against officials in any of the cases from Soma to İliç.“ For İliç, this decision is undoubtedly not legal but political. Whoever was involved in the accident, nobody should burst into tears. That is our red line. We will continue to closely monitor the criminal investigation of the cable car accident. But you cannot make our leader a scapegoat just because he is a member of our party.“

CLICK – Statement from CHP: After the resignation of Mesut Kocagöz, the cable car was inspected three times, a political arrest, a legal freak!

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Kocagöz’s General Directorate and his transition from AKP to CHP

Kocagöz, who was Deputy Mayor of the AKP-governed Kepez Municipality between 2004 and 2014, switched to CHP in the 2019 local elections when he was expelled from the AKP. Muhittin BöcekAfter the elections, where he won the mayoralty, he was appointed as the Director of ANET A.Ş., one of the companies of the Antalya municipality.

Kocagöz, who has been the General Manager of ANET since 2019, operating the Tünektepe Cable Car facility, resigned from his position in November 2023 and was elected as the Mayor of Kepez from CHP in the March 31 local elections. Deputy CHP Chairman Gokan Zeybek announced that after Kocagöz’s resignation, the cable car underwent three major and

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