
Gut für ein Hotel, das nicht zwei Männern das gleiche Zimmer gab


Incident of gender discrimination in the hotel
The Turkish Human Rights and Equality Institution (TİHEK) announced the decision of a fine that was imposed after the reservation for a hotel in Alanya was canceled based on gender. The incident, which began when two male guests wanted to stay in the same room, raised allegations of discrimination.

Allegations from hotel and travel agencies
The hotel management argued that accommodating two men in the same room was not allowed, but male and female guests could make reservations equally. The travel agency stated that reservations were made according to the guests‘ preferences.

Review and decision of TİHEK
After examining the hotel’s reservation data, TİHEK concluded that there was discrimination based on gender. The institution identified a violation of the principle of equality and imposed a fine above the maximum limit.

International human rights law and discrimination
In the TİHEK decision, the importance of the prohibition of discrimination in international human rights agreements was emphasized. It was found that gender discrimination violates human rights and that everyone should have the same rights.

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