Erklärung von TTB zur Çöpler-Goldmine: Die Lizenz der Mine, die durch das Zyanidleck ans Licht kam, wurde nicht widerrufen, aber die Erhöhung ihrer Kapazität aus Profitgier war ein Rezept für eine Katastrophe.

Statement from the Turkish Medical Association
The Turkish Medical Association (TTB) not only did not revoke the license of the mine that came to light in the past due to the cyanide leak, but also increased its capacity with the aim of making a profit, and granted legal protection to the company despite legal disputes from organizations including TTB; It openly caused the disaster. We are closely monitoring the developments and hope that the workers trapped under the rubble will be rescued safely as soon as possible.
Gold Mine Disaster in Erzincan Çöpler
In the gold mine Çöpler, located in the district of İliç in Erzincan and operated by Anagold Madencilik, a landslide occurred. According to TTB’s statement, many workers were trapped under the rubble due to the collapse of the cyanide and sulfuric acid heaps. While the license of the mine, which came to light in the past due to the cyanide leak, was not revoked, its capacity was increased with the aim of making a profit, and the company was granted judicial protection despite legal disputes by organizations like TTB; It openly caused the disaster. TTB is closely monitoring the developments and hopes that the workers trapped under the rubble will be rescued safely as soon as possible. (Source: T24)