Erdoğan reiste zum ersten Mal seit elf Jahren nach Kairo; Er trat mit dem ägyptischen Präsidenten Sisi vor die Kamera: Gaza steht ganz oben auf der Tagesordnung

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Erdoğans Visit to Egypt and Meeting
T24 News CenterPresident and AKP Chairman Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, He traveled to Egypt on an official visit from the United Arab Emirates (UAE) by a private plane. Erdoğan, here, President of Egypt met with Abdel Fattah al-Sisi. Erdoğan and Sisi spoke at a joint press conference after bilateral and delegation meetings. In the speeches of the two heads of state and government, they discussed peace in the Middle East and the war in Gaza.
The Egyptian President Sisi said: Israel allows very little humanitarian aid into the country. „The peace process must begin as soon as possible so that the peace process and the establishment of a Palestinian state within the 1967 borders with East Jerusalem as its capital can begin,“ he said. President Erdoğan stated that he was pleased with his visit to Egypt after a long time. „Attempts to expel the people of Gaza from their land are null and void for us. The depopulation of Gaza is unacceptable. We appreciate and support Egypt’s wise and resolute stance on this matter.“ he said.
Relations between Sisi and Turkey
Sisi: Egypt and Turkey will be able to achieve very good results together on the Gaza issue. Egyptian President Al-Sisi initially expressed satisfaction with Erdogan’s visit to his country after more than ten years and said, „We are opening a new page between the two countries.“ Sisi stated that he discussed the situation in Gaza with Erdogan and said, „I agree with the President of Turkey to implement an immediate ceasefire in Gaza and calm tensions in the West Bank.“ he said.
Diplomatic Steps Ahead
Sisi summarized, „We are determined to use the weight of the two countries in the region to create peace. Egypt and Turkey will work hand in hand and achieve good results in Gaza. Israel allows very little humanitarian aid in. The beginning.“ of the peace process and within the 1967 borders „The peace process must begin as soon as possible to establish a Palestinian state with East Jerusalem as its capital.“
Erdogan’s Statements and Bilateral Relations
In his speech here, Erdoğan briefly said: „In response to the president’s kind visit, I am very pleased to be back in Cairo after a long time – 12 years. I would like to convey my wishes for recovery to my brothers.“ from Erzincan due to yesterday’s accident. Yesterday, in a private mine, „Unfortunately, 9 of our workers were buried underground by the landslide. The search and rescue efforts for these 9 brothers are ongoing. I pray that God protects our country from all kinds of accidents.“ accidents, problems, and disasters.