
„1. Mai“-Einladung von CHP: Wir marschieren zum Taksim, um Arbeit und Gerechtigkeit zu verteidigen


Özgür Çelik, the provincial chairman of CHP Istanbul, invited citizens to gather at Saraçhane on May 1, Labor Day, to march to Taksim Square. Çelik stated: „To Taksim on May 1! Let’s march together to Taksim to defend labor, justice, and an exploitation-free order.“ CHP called on citizens to march to Taksim Square from Saraçhane on May 1. Çelik mentioned the following in his post on his X-account: „To Taksim on May 1! Let’s march together to Taksim to defend labor, justice, and a system without exploitation. Wednesday, May 1. Meeting point: Saraçhane. Time: 10:00 am.“

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