Mit der Einreisepreisbeantragung nach Venedig wurden in 8 Tagen über 700.000 Euro erwirtschaftet

In Venice, Italy, known for its canals, reports indicate that during the first eight days of the implementation of the „entrance fee“ on April 25 for tourists visiting the city for a day, more than 700,000 euros were collected.
According to the Italian newspaper Corriere della Sera, 144,645 visitors to the city paid the entrance fee of 5 euros daily between April 25 and May 2. This resulted in the city of Venice gaining 723,225 euros.
News sources mentioned that the revenue generated in the first 8 days after the implementation of the entrance fee matched the expected profit level for 7 months, exceeding the city administration’s expectations.
The news also pointed out that the introduction of entrance fees did not deter the influx of tourists to the city.
The „Venice entrance fee“ application, adopted by the Venice City Council in September 2023 to control the tourist density in the city, will be tested for 29 days, including some holidays expected to be crowded in the initial days of this year.
Tourists whose daily visits to Venice fall within the specified 29 days can pay the entrance fee by making a reservation on the „Contributo di Accesso a Venezia“ (Entrance fee for Venice) website.