
Mann, der 13 Jahre lang Sperma gespendet hat, hat 180 Kinder


T24 International News

Joe, a resident of Newcastle, England, mentioned that he has been a sperm donor for 13 years and claimed to have fathered 180 children as a result.

In addition to artificial insemination and sperm donation, 52-year-old Joe, dubbed Britain’s „most prolific father,“ employs various techniques such as natural fertilization (sex) and partial fertilization (bringing ejaculation closer by masturbating before ejaculation occurs inside the recipient). Consequently, he stated that he has been unable to maintain a full-time job or have a love life.

The man, who also mentioned that he had intercourse with women to assist them during their ovulation, referred to those who criticized him as „keyboard warriors“ and added: „It is very easy for the internet to dehumanize people.“

Joe explained that he no longer has a personal life and stated: „Anyone who believes that I am doing this job just for sex is mistaken. I am subjected to cruel comments. I try to help people, and that’s why I have given up my personal life. I can’t even have a partner. Since I spend a lot.“ I need a lot of time to help women calculate the best time for a meeting, and ovulation times can change: „I must always be ready to help, and that limits my opportunities to have a romance with women other than through sperm donations.“ he said.

Joe, „It is very easy for people to make hurtful comments online because I don’t seem like a real person to them, something they wouldn’t say if they met me in person.“ People who donate blood receive a glass of orange juice or a T-shirt as gifts and are proud to tell their friends about their voluntary work. Nobody accuses them of donating blood for orange juice, T-shirts, and public praise. Why then do they make fun of me? „Through what I do, I have a valuable place in the lives of the families I help, making me even more exceptional than a 9-to-5 job.“ he added.




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