
Eine Frau gebar an der polnischen Grenze. Die Behörden bestritten die Behauptung, die Frau sei von der Grenze abgewiesen worden


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T24 International News

It has been claimed that a pregnant Eritrean woman gave birth to her child alone at the Polish-Belarusian border and was turned away by border guards.

The Polish government denied the claims after activists said the soldiers had rejected the woman.

Deputy Interior Minister Maciej Duszczyk said in his statement to the BBC that the woman arrived at the Polish border with her newborn baby and was taken to the hospital. However, activists said the woman had previously tried to enter Poland and had been staying in the wooded border area for a month.

The Polish government had promised a „more humane“ border policy. However, activists stated that Polish border guards continued to turn away migrants attempting to cross the border from Belarus.

Poland accused Belarus of promoting the influx of migrants as a „hybrid warfare tactic.“

Duszczyk stated that it was nearly impossible for a woman to live in the woods for a month in incredibly cold weather, give birth alone, and when the border guards found the woman, they took her to the hospital in Hajnówka, near the border.

However, Grupa Granica, a group of activists and human rights defenders who assist people in crossing the border, Adam Barwiński in their statement to the BBC stated that the 38-year-old woman, who did not want to reveal her name, had crossed the border fence and asked Polish soldiers for help, but was denied entry into Poland.

Barwiński mentioned that the woman, who had been „searching for a safe place“ for many years, had spent several years in refugee camps in Ethiopia, Kenya, and Uganda before coming from Belarus to the Polish border. Grupa Granica stated that the woman gave birth to her child alone in the woods.

„This drama must come to an end; no one should be forced to give birth under these conditions,“ said Barwiński.

Duszczyk denied that the government of Donald Tusk continued the rejections and stated his top priority was „zero deaths at the border.“

Duszczyk, „When the Eritrean mother and her child were picked up by soldiers at the border and taken to the hospital, they applied for international protection, and we started the process in accordance with EU law. She gave birth to a child and now lives in an apartment. „We are doing our best to help young people and women, and since January of this year, we have taken in 350 immigrants seeking international protection.“ He issued a statement.



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