
Ein Stachelrochen in den USA wurde schwanger, obwohl er keinen Partner hatte


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Asexual Reproduction of the Stingray named Charlotte

Charlotte, a stingray living in an aquarium in the USA, became pregnant, despite sharing the same tank with a male stingray for at least eight years. Aquarium staff noticed Charlotte’s pregnancy upon seeing a growing bump on her back. Initially thought to be a tumor, it was later revealed that she was pregnant.

It is believed that Charlotte will give birth to four pups in about two weeks, with this pregnancy likely caused by a phenomenon called Parthenogenesis. Parthenogenesis is a form of asexual reproduction where a female egg is fertilized without the sperm of a male. This condition is commonly observed in insects, reptiles, and some fish species.

According to researcher Dr. Kady Lyons from Georgia Aquarium, Charlotte’s unique pregnancy is the only documented example. Dr. Lyons also explained that stingrays do not clone themselves, but rather the female’s egg merges with another cell, leading to the formation of an embryo.

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