
Ein gefälschter Arzt behandelte 30 Patienten im Krankenhaus mit dem Diplom, das er online erhalten hatte


T24 International News

A 27-year-old works as a doctor in São Paulo, Brazil, with a diploma he bought online for 8 US dollars. Mirian Santana admitted his guilt.

Santana’s guilt, who allegedly treated 30 adults and children at the time of his arrest, came to light when other medical professionals became suspicious of him and checked his registration number, which belonged to a real doctor with a different name.

It was also found that the diploma program at the time Santana purchased his diploma online for 8 US dollars stated that he had completed his education, had not yet begun. Santana was caught on his first day of work.

The profession of the woman who told the police she was a speech therapist and earned about 802 dollars a month was not confirmed. He said he found the job at the clinic through an outsourcing company that participated in the bidding process with the city hall.

Santana was arrested for illegal practice of a profession, forgery of ideology, use of invalid documents, endangerment, and attempted embezzlement.



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