Die niederländische Politik will die Abschiebung der Eritreer, die in Den Haag für Unruhe gesorgt haben, und ein Verbot der Nhamedu-Brigade

Unrest Caused by Eritrean Immigrants in The Hague
The unrest caused by Eritrean immigrants in The Hague on Saturday evening has led to significant tensions between Dutch political parties. Right-wing and liberal parties are calling for strict sanctions to be imposed, such as revoking the Dutch citizenship of those involved in the incidents and banning the organization called Nhamedu Brigade.
Violence against police officers and damage to buildings during the events prompted the Hague municipal government to declare a state of emergency. The political parties brought the issue to the parliamentary agenda by requesting the government to explain the events.
Reactions of Political Parties
Various political parties in the Netherlands are responding differently to events organized by immigrants. Geert Wilders, leader of the right-wing Freedom Party (PVV), is calling for the arrest and deportation of the rebels, while the center-right VVD party is demanding an investigation into the activities of the Eritrean opposition organization.
Activities of the Nhamedu Brigade
The organization called Nhamedu Brigade was founded by Eritrean opposition youths who fled from Eritrea and are calling for Western governments to ban the activities of supporters of the Eritrean regime. The organization aims to overthrow the oppressive Eritrean regime and ensure the safety of its people.