Der Vater, der seinen 9-jährigen Sohn tötete, indem er Kraftstoff in ein Auto schüttete und ihn in Brand steckte, wurde festgenommen

In New Jersey, USA, a 9-year-old boy was found dead in a car after his father, reportedly enraged over an argument, poured fuel on him and set him on fire. Sayerville County police stated that the 43-year-old Manuel Rivera was involved. Following a domestic dispute with a woman who was allegedly the child’s mother, she left the house with her son and called the police. Authorities found Rivera with „burns on the body“ in the backyard of a high school in Sayerville. Next to Rivera, a vehicle soaked in heating oil was found burning. Upon initial inspection, the child’s body was found in the vehicle. Rivera was taken to Robert Wood Johnson University Hospital for treatment. While Rivera faces second-degree arson charges, the Middlesex County Medical Examiner’s Office is expected to provide an autopsy report on the child for further charges.