BBC betrat das Megagefängnis in El Salvador, das als „schwarzes Loch der Menschenrechte“ bezeichnet wird.
Cecot Prison in El Salvador: Symbol of Security Policy. Leire Ventas, a BBC Mundo Special News Correspondent, describes the high-security prison Cecotta, built a year ago to incarcerate „high-ranking“ gang members in El Salvador. The controversial facility, located in the middle of nowhere, is associated with Nayib Bukele’s security policies. Critics refer to Cecot as a „black hole of human rights,“ accusing it of disregarding international rules on prisoners‘ rights. Miguel Sarre, a former member of the United Nations Subcommittee on Prevention of Torture, describes Cecot as „a concrete-steel pit,“ warning about potential misuse leading to human rights violations. Conditions inside the prison include prisoners sleeping on metal without mattresses or sheets, eating basic meals with their hands due to security concerns.