
Ausgewiesene Columbia-Studenten übernehmen das akademische Gebäude


T24 International News

At Columbia University, pro-Palestinian student protesters took over an academic building as part of their demonstration against the war in Gaza.

It was reported that dozens of activists had seized Hamilton Hall and barricaded themselves inside. University officials and the police have not yet issued a statement.

Columbia started to suspend students who stayed in a two-week camp and did not comply with the deadline for dissolution.

One of the main protest groups, „Columbia Students for Justice in Palestine (SJP),“ called on everyone in a message published on X to „protect the camp.“

The student group that announced taking over Hamilton Hall emphasized that the building was at the center of student protests in 1968. Images from inside the building showed broken windows. The students blocked the doors with wooden tables and chairs.

Another group of students claimed they had reclaimed the building in memory of six-year-old Hind Rajab, who died in Gaza earlier this year.


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