Vorstandsmitglied der Koç Holding İpek Kıraç: In der Geschäftswelt konnten die Generationen vor uns keine klare Aussage und Haltung zu demokratischen Errungenschaften zeigen.

Vorstandsmitglied der Koç Holding İpek Kıraç: In der Geschäftswelt konnten die Generationen vor uns keine klare Aussage und Haltung zu demokratischen Errungenschaften zeigen.

İpek Kıraç, a member of the Koç Holding board of directors, stated that previous generations have played a valuable role in strengthening the country’s economy and industry. However, she pointed out that they did not take a clear stance on democratic achievements, which are essential for stable economic growth. She emphasized the importance of living in a democratic manner not only in public but also in personal and professional life. Kıraç highlighted the responsibility of living in the second century of the Republic.

İpek Kıraç, a board member of Koç Holding known for her civil society work, made significant statements about the impact of the business world on the country’s economy and industry, as well as the importance of democracy in the 21st century. She emphasized the crucial role that the new generation, their preferences, and understanding of citizenship will play in Turkey’s future. Kıraç stressed that democracy is not only a political issue but also crucial in social relationships.

Kıraç underscored the need to strengthen and promote democratic values across all sectors in Turkey’s second century as a republic. She also emphasized the importance of creating ample space for civil society organizations and providing necessary support for NGOs to operate freely without imposing external suggestions.

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