Cem Boyner: Wenn alle Einkäufe per Kreditkarte getätigt würden, gäbe es keine Steuerhinterziehung, Korruption oder Bestechung …

Cem Boyner’s Views on Credit Card Usage

Cem Boyner, CEO of Boyner Group, disagreed with the idea of restricting the use of credit cards, stating, „Apart from considering restrictions on credit card usage to be extremely wrong, I believe that the best decision is to do away with cash.“ „If all purchases were made by credit card, what would tax evasion be then?“ „Another life outside the banking system. Neither corruption nor bribery,“ he said.

In his LinkedIn post, Boyner made statements about credit card usage. He emphasized in his open call that he found restrictions on the use of credit cards to be extremely wrong and stated that the best decision is to avoid cash.

Cem Boyner’s Statements

„Cutting public spending is the right decision, it is permanent, but cutting citizen spending is a temporary practice. When this restriction comes, it cannot last long because no administration can implement decisions that make the lives of its citizens difficult, worsen them.“ They affect their quality of life, anger them against their will, and will immediately return.

The Importance of Using a Credit Card

As emphasized by Cem Boyner, widespread use of credit cards contributes to the transparency of economic processes and the prevention of tax evasion. Furthermore, the increase in digital payments along with the decrease in cash usage helps to accelerate the economic cycle and combat the informal economy.

BankwesenBargeldBeschränkungenBestechungCem BoynerKorruptionKreditkarteSteuerhinterziehungWirtschaft
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