Die ersten beiden Ausgaben des 8. Justizpakets wurden angenommen | Bozdağ: Ich bin der Mann, der gegen FETO gekämpft hat, ich habe sie in die Kanalisation geworfen; Fethullah Gülen ist der Anführer der Terroristen

Die ersten beiden Ausgaben des 8. Justizpakets wurden angenommen |  Bozdağ: Ich bin der Mann, der gegen FETO gekämpft hat, ich habe sie in die Kanalisation geworfen;  Fethullah Gülen ist der Anführer der Terroristen

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T24 News Center

Deputy Chair of the DEM Cluster, who criticized the 8th Judicial Package discussed at the General Assembly, Gülistan Kılıç Koçyiğit, „They are passing a law that puts every passerby on the street in prison!“ He reacted to the AKP, which had made the offer, saying: On the other hand, the AKP faction claimed that the proposal would strengthen the freedom to seek justice, ensure active crime prevention, and expedite court proceedings. Chairman of the Justice Committee of the Grand Turkish National Assembly Cüneyt Yuksel stated, „In 2024, a total of 82.5 billion Lira bonus payments will be made.“ He defended the proposal by saying, „Sometimes the Constitutional Court cannot maintain its dignity and even tries to issue laws from the bench,“ said MHP member Feti Yıldız. He also suggested re-regulating the right to personal application; Regarding the tasks of the Constitutional Court, he said, „Of course, we will limit these tasks with a new constitution.“

The General Assembly was also the scene of frequent debates. CHP Deputy Mahmut Tanal Deputy Speaker of the Parliament Bekir Bozdag Tensions escalated after he made comments about FETO and AKP deputies. In response to Tanal, Bozdağ said: „Every time I get into trouble and the topic of Bekir Bozdag comes up, the words I said are revealed. I threw them into the trash, into the sewer. I am the man who fought against FETO. What’s the use? A word said here in 2011, as if it were said yesterday. FETO is a terrorist organization. „Fethullah Gülen is also the leader of the terrorists. That’s what I said.“ He defended himself by saying.

The 8th Judicial Package, consisting of 43 elements, on which the AKP has been working for a long time and which brought new regulations to the Turkish Penal Code (TCK), could not be discussed on February 27 in the GNAT General Assembly due to insufficient meeting numbers.

The General Assembly, Deputy Chairman of the Assembly, is to discuss the bill amending the Criminal Procedure Code, known as the 8th Judicial Package, as well as certain laws and Decree Laws No. 659. Bekir Bozdag Under his chairmanship, it met again on February 28.

At the General Assembly, which continued its discussions on February 29 until midnight and extended its 65th session to its 7th session, the first two elements of the 43-element proposal were adopted after finding a sufficient number of resolutions. Deputy Chairman Bozdag ended the session at 14:00 after the committee was not present at the beginning of the 7th session.

Since the deadlines for filing remedies in the Execution and Bankruptcy Law are set in weeks, a regulation in the Civil Procedure Law is made based on the accepted points of the proposal. If the period is set as a week, it ends on the day within the last week that corresponds to the day it started.

The 8th Judicial Package, which includes the regulation to increase the retirement holiday bonus to 3,000 Lira, will be the final bill to be discussed by the General Assembly before the election. If discussions cannot be concluded today, the General Assembly will also work on March 1, 2, and 3.

CLICK – The 8th Judicial Package was passed by the panel: What does the new regulation include?

GÖKÇER TAHİNCİOĞLU WRITTEN – The 8th Judicial Package brought out the compensation committee with extensive powers and the new HAGB system: No punishment for fugitive defendants


According to the bill known as the 8th Judicial Package, the compensation committee, temporarily established in the Ministry of Justice during the state of emergency, will be permanently established. The Compensation Committee will also decide on non-material damages for violations of the right to a trial within a reasonable time. Decisions will be made on applications within 9 months.


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