Nach 11 Jahren geht Erdoğan in die Hauptstadt von Sisi, den er „Ich werde niemals Frieden schließen“ und „einen Mörder“ nennt; Vergangenheit und Gegenwart der Beziehungen zwischen der Türkei und Ägypten in 9 Fragen

Nach 11 Jahren geht Erdoğan in die Hauptstadt von Sisi, den er „Ich werde niemals Frieden schließen“ und „einen Mörder“ nennt;  Vergangenheit und Gegenwart der Beziehungen zwischen der Türkei und Ägypten in 9 Fragen

Encounter between President and AKP Chairman Tayyip Erdoğan and Egyptian President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi. President and AKP Chairman Tayyip Erdogan, 11 years later, went to Cairo and became President of Egypt. Abdel Fattah al-Sisi will meet with me. Tensions in the relationship escalated after the coup led by Sisi in Egypt in 2013. Erdogan responded to Sisi by saying: „connect.“ He even said, „Rabia,“ one of the symbols of resistance to the coup in Egypt, was identified with the AKP. The initiated normalization process has made significant progress and has set aside, if not closed, the wounds caused by harsh words and actions. Today’s visit is intended to crown the process. History and reasons for the relationship between Egypt and Turkey. Why have relations between Egypt and Turkey deteriorated? In Tunisia on December 17, 2010, „Democracy, human rights, and freedom“ The anti-government demonstrations demanding began spreading in Arab countries. This was the beginning of the process that will be known as the „Arab Spring“ and will lead to significant ruptures in regional politics. The „Spring“ shook Egypt on January 25, 2011. Protests demanding the government’s resignation began across the country. Tayyip Erdogan, the then Prime Minister, was the President of Egypt. Hosni Mubarak He called for his resignation, saying, „Listen to your people.“ Movement of the Muslim Brotherhood and Egyptian Politics. Member of the Muslim Brotherhood in the country’s first democratic elections in 2012 Mohammed Mursi was elected president. A certain ideological closeness between the AKP and the Muslim Brotherhood led to this result being welcomed by the Turkish government. Ankara took important steps to improve relations with Egypt, believing that an important window of cooperation had been opened between the two influential countries in the region. Rabia sign and its meaning. What is the Rabia sign, and where does it get its name from? The Rabia sign, identified with anti-coup demonstrators in Egypt, has also become an important symbol of politics in Turkey; After the demonstrators, he also identified with the AKP. Pro-Mursi and pro-Muslim Brotherhood demonstrators against the coup led by Sisi in 2013 used this four-finger gesture. The sign takes its name from the Rabia al-Adawiyya Mosque, where the Egyptian massacre took place in 2013. Economic and diplomatic interaction. Have economic relations between Turkey and Egypt been interrupted after 2013? Although the level of diplomatic relations between Turkey and Egypt was lowered in 2013, economic relations continued. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Turkey, then „Since 2013, diplomatic relations between Turkey and Egypt have been maintained at the level of mutual business representatives, and short-term meetings have taken place between the foreign ministers of both countries on various occasions.“ He made a statement.

Abdülfettah el-SisiÄgyptenBeziehungenDiplomatieMuslimbruderschaftRabia-ZeichenTayyip ErdoganTürkeiWirtschaft
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