Horror in Izmir: Sie schlagen stundenlang auf die Leiche im Kofferraum des Autos ein

In Izmir’s Bornova district, a person named FB (24) shot jeweler Bekir Bozar (68) due to financial difficulties they were having. It was revealed that after committing the murder while driving, FB traveled for kilometers with the body. During the police investigation into the murder, it was discovered that the fugitive murder suspect FB paid off the people he owed money to with gold he had stolen from Bozar’s jewelry store the day after the incident. The police cordoned off the area where the car was located with security tape and conducted a detailed investigation. It was determined that the body removed from the car trunk belonged to jeweler Bekir Bozar. Further investigation by the police revealed that the car was rented in Bekir Bozar’s name. Bozar’s body was taken to the morgue of the Institute of Forensic Medicine in Izmir after examination by the prosecutor. He was shot three times in the head. They traveled for miles with the body in the trunk. In EK’s chilling account, he stated that they eventually stopped in a remote area on FB’s instructions, carried Bekir Bozar’s body into the car trunk, and returned to the Turgutlu district in Manisa after a long hike to Izmir the next morning. EK mentioned that after parking the car at a private hospital’s parking lot, he went to FB’s house, showered, and then left, saying he would turn himself in to the police. EK claimed that despite searching for days, he couldn’t reach FB, and upon learning that he had not surrendered, he went to the police station to report the incident. He paid off his debts with the gold he stole from the jewelry store. When the police discovered this, they found jeweler Bozar’s body in the car trunk at the private hospital’s parking lot and launched a large-scale investigation into the incident. Police teams initiated an operation to arrest the murder suspect FB and also found that gold had been stolen from Bozar’s jewelry store. Investigations by the police teams revealed that the day after the incident, FB paid 14 people he owed money to in gold. While efforts to apprehend FB continue, it was reported that police procedures concerning EK are ongoing. (DHA) T24

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