CHP-Mitglied Taşkın: Die Marmara-Universität begeht ein Verbrechen

Legal Process and Decisions

Marmara University, Ph.D., who signed the statement „Academics for Peace.“ Hülya Dinçer Despite the Court of Appeals decision, he did not start his duty for eight months, citing „archive scanning“ as the reason. CHP Izmir deputy who brought the matter to the Parliament Yuksel Taskin, Minister of Education Yusuf Tekin submitted a parliamentary inquiry requesting that. Dr. Hülya Dinçer was reinstated to her position at the Faculty of Law at Marmara University with the decision of the 19th Administrative Court of Ankara in May 2023. The decision was also approved by the Administrative Court in November 2023. However, Marmara University, which did not appoint Dinçer, illegally requested an archive search. On February 2, 2024, the university informed Dinçer that he would not be reinstated, citing the results of the archive search.

Review of CHP Izmir Deputy Yüksel Taşkın

„Scanning archives is wrong“ CHP Izmir Deputy Yüksel Taşkın pointed out that Dinçer’s situation is unique. Yüksel said: „So far, no other public or foundation university except Marmara University has requested archive searches for reinstated academics.“ Because according to Article 3 of Law No. 7315, archive searches are conducted for those who are appointed to a public office for the first time or again. The initiation as a requirement of the reinstatement decision issued by the judiciary is not the first or renewed appointment to public service; The annulment of the expulsion with all consequences and the restoration of the previous legal status. In this respect, it was wrong for Marmara University to conduct archive searches on Hülya Dinçer from the beginning. But last week, we saw that Marmara University used an unlawful practice as a justification for even greater lawlessness.“ he said.

Proposal of Questions Presented to the Parliament

„This situation must be ended immediately“ Izmir Deputy Yüksel Taşkın stated that they had directed the parliamentary inquiry they prepared to the Minister of National Education Yusuf Tekin. „Minister Tekin, Ph.D., „We asked what measures have been taken against the administration of Marmara University, which did not implement the court decision against Hülya Dinçer, and whether an investigation has been initiated to uncover officials who have committed the crime of malfeasance by violating the constitution.“ Laws,“ he said. Taşkın continued his words as follows: „Marmara University, Ph.D. By not appointing Dinçer to his position, it shows that it does not recognize the court decision and openly commits a crime. As an administrative institution, the university administration is not authorized to refuse compliance with a court decision or to delay its enforcement. This situation must be ended immediately, and Dr. Hülya Dinçer should be appointed to her position as soon as possible.“T24

AkademikerArchivsucheGerichtsentscheidungHülya DinçerMarmara-UniversitätParlamentparlamentarische Anfragerechtswidrige PraxisUntersuchungWiedereinstellungYüksel TaşkınYusuf Tekin
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