Abdurrahman Dilipak: Die Regierung wusste im Detail, dass es vier Monate im Voraus zu einem Putsch kommen würde!

Abdurrahman Dilipak: Die Regierung wusste im Detail, dass es vier Monate im Voraus zu einem Putsch kommen würde!

Abdurrahman Dilipak’s accusations from 15 July
Abdurrahman Dilipak's 15 July Allegations

The former author of the newspaper Yeniakit, Abdurrahman Dilipak, known for his Islamist views, claimed that the AKP had known in detail about the coup attempt on July 15, 2016, four months ago. Dilipak accused the AKP and the coup attempt on July 15. Dilipak claimed that AKP members pretended not to know about the coup and suppressed it with the help of the people, and those who attempted the coup acted as if nothing had happened. Dilipak claimed that the AKP had known about July 15 four months in advance, and listed his accusations on his X-account as follows:

„As if the FETO members had not attempted the coup and the AK Party members pretended not to know about the coup and suppressed it at the last minute with the help of the people. However, the government knew in detail that there would be one.“ Coup 4 months in advance. People took to the streets against the coup without knowing what it was. What happened as a result It happened to this country… Unfortunately, most people don’t care about the truth, everyone is busy blaming others.“

Editor’s note: The spelling has not been changed.


15. JuliAbdurrahman DilipakAkpFetöPutschversuch
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