Reaktion auf den Vorsitzenden der Europäischen Volkspartei: Er will kein demokratisches Türkiye

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Wert Akal

Manfred Weber, who leads the conservative European People’s Party (EPP), the largest group in the European Parliament, announced on April 2 in a post on his social media account that they are willing to deepen the customs union and partnership with Turkey if it demonstrates further initiatives. However, Weber pointed out that Turkey’s full membership in the European Union (EU) would pose significant challenges for both sides and argued that „the long-term relevance should be clarified.“

Member of the Christian Social Union (CSU), Manfred Weber, who is known to be against Turkey’s EU membership, had previously advocated for ending Turkey’s full membership goal.

However, Weber made this statement shortly after the local elections, in which President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, who has made Turkey increasingly authoritarian and distanced the country from the European Union (EU), lost and CHP, advocating for the country’s entry into the sphere of the European Union (EU) with democracy and the rule of law, was the first party to face criticism for its actions.

Criticism of Weber: „He wants Turkey to be ruled by an autocrat“

Dr. Salim Çevik, an expert at the Berlin-based Center for Applied Turkish Studies (CATS), quoted Weber’s statement and stated: „It is clear that some in the EU do not want to see a democratic Turkey. They prefer a country ruled by an autocrat, serving as a buffer zone for Europe regarding immigration. They simply do not have the courage to say this openly.“

Dr. Ebru Turhan, a faculty member of Political Science and International Affairs at the Turkish-German University, responded to Weber’s post, saying: „Your post immediately after the historic election results contradicts the EU’s values-based approach to membership. This also reflects the EPP cluster’s criticism of Turkey’s democratic resistance and transactional ties between Turkey and the EU.“ -diplomacy) also shows its dissatisfaction with the possibility of regression!“ He reacted with these words.

A response to Weber came from Turkey’s Permanent Representative to the EU, Ambassador Faruk Kaymakcı. In his response to Weber, Kaymakcı said: „The EU membership of a Turkey that meets the conditions will make the EU a truly geopolitical EU, enhancing the EU’s reputation, competitiveness, and prosperity, creating a more democratic, prosperous, and respected EU.“ He argued: „Turkey will create an asset. Turkey will not be a burden to the EU, but a valuable asset.“

EU-Turkey dilemma: What’s next?

In fact, there is a general consensus that cooperation with Turkey, whose full membership negotiations with the EU have been frozen, should be revived. However, there are still differences of opinion on how this cooperation should be revitalized.

The EU High Representative for Foreign Affairs Josep Borrell and the EU Committee proposed a new roadmap for the relationship in the report titled „The Status of Political, Economic, and Commercial Relations between the EU and Turkey,“ released on November 29 last year. The report, listing steps that can be taken in areas such as strengthening high-level political dialogue with Turkey and modernizing the customs union, emphasizes that „the process of re-engagement with Turkey remains fragile.“ Cooperation with Turkey in various areas can be gradual and proportionate and can be reversed simultaneously if necessary. In other words, it was pointed out that it should be developed in a reversible manner.

However, this proposed report was not discussed at the EU leaders‘ summit in December or in March. EU diplomats point out that European Parliament (EP) elections will take place in June, there will be changes in responsibilities in the European Committee, and Turkey’s agenda is likely to be postponed to after the summer.

While some in the EU argue that relations with Turkey should be revived without officially ending the EU accession process, another group, including Weber, suggests that accession negotiations with Turkey should be terminated and a new chapter in the relationship should be opened.

Çiğdem Nas: Colonial perspective

Çiğdem Nas, Secretary-General of the Foundation for Economic Development (İKV) and faculty member at Yıldız Technical University (YTU), also believes that Weber’s statement does not befit a person at the head of the EP’s largest faction and that its timing is very significant.

In an interview with DW Turkish, Nas

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