Die USA erklärten, dass sie die Vorwürfe, Israel habe in Gaza einen „Völkermord“ begangen, nicht akzeptiere

Statement from the US State Department

The US State Department condemned Israel’s violent attacks on civilians in Gaza and the comparison made by Brazilian President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva to Adolf Hitler. During the daily press briefing, State Department spokesperson Matthew Miller stated that they disagreed with Lula da Silva’s remarks. Miller emphasized their opposition to genocide allegations and their desire to end the conflicts as soon as possible.

Call to Israel regarding allegations of sexual assaults against women

The State Department spokesperson called for an investigation into the UN report on human rights violations against Palestinian women and girls in Gaza and the West Bank by Israel. Miller described the allegations as serious and stressed the need for civilians to be treated humanely. The UN report also included allegations of sexual assaults against women.

GazaIsraelLuiz Inacio Lula da SilvaMenschenrechtesexuelle ÜbergriffeUS-AußenministeriumVölkermord
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