Der Pilot einer Boeing 777 der United Airlines musste wegen einer Toilettenkatastrophe zum Flughafen zurückkehren

T24 International News

United Airlines Flight 59, which took off in Frankfurt and was supposed to land in San Francisco, USA, flew over the North Sea before returning to Frankfurt Airport.

Shortly after takeoff from Frankfurt, passengers aboard the Boeing 777 reported a „foul“ smell coming from the toilets. According to Bild-Zeitung, the cabin crew discovered after inspection that one of the toilets on the seven-year-old aircraft was malfunctioning, causing feces to flow directly into the cabin.

Passengers also mentioned that the waste tank content overflowed and entered the cabin, worsening the situation.

The pilot contacted ground engineers and returned to Frankfurt Airport when no solution could be found.

Authorities stated that hotel accommodations were provided for the passengers in Frankfurt for the night, and they were rebooked on another flight to San Francisco for the next day.


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